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“Heart of the Sun” Installation – Queens, New York

Well, it’s not really skateable, but this unique project uses skatepark elements to create an interactive art installation. Conceived and designed by local artist Chris Green, this permanent outdoor art installation was commissioned by the NYC School Construction Authority for PS/IS 48 Q’s new school building in Jamaica, Queens.

Borrowing from the calendrical nature of archaeological sites such as Newgrange, Stonehenge, and various Egyptian temples, the installation will mark various points on the annual calendar by reflecting sunlight onto a series of curved walls in a primarily shaded courtyard. The building’s own walls and flagpole will additionally act as gnomons to chart the seasons as their shadows meet specific ground markers.

Spohn Ranch worked with Chris to select the proper elements and with our fabrication process nearly complete, they will be installed by Chris and his team within a few weeks.

Posted in: Innovation

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