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P-Rod Skate Plaza Grand Opening – Saturday, September 27th

DSCF4535, originally uploaded by spohnranchskateparks.

L.A.’s First Skate Plaza: Grand Opening Photos
Transworld Skateboarding
Carleton Curtis Sunday, September 28th, 2008 | 4,616 views |

B&W Photography by Yoon Sul
Color Photography by Carleton Curtis

[WILMINGTON, CA] If I told you the City of Los Angeles didn’t boast a 100% skate plaza, would you believe me? Well up until yesterday, the so-called skate mecca of the world didn’t have one. I know, poor Los Angeles, right? Nevertheless, the grand opening of the brand-spankin’-new Ambassador Skate Plaza in Wilmington yesterday was a monumental occasion. Technically, the park opened six years ago but its design just wasn’t cutting it anymore by today’s standards. As demonstrated by any recent contest and of course, the DC Skate Plaza project, it’s all about mimicking the streets. So Maxwell Billieon of the Ambassador Series worked with councilwoman Janice Hahn and Michael Shull at the LA Department of Recreation and Parks to revamp the park… and the rest, as you’ll soon see, is history. Big ups to co-designer Paul Rodriguez, Daewon Song, Spohn Ranch Skateparks and the City of LA for creating an amazing (and free!) concrete and granite wonderland. Plus, no pads!!!

For more photos:

Video coming soon!

Posted in: Advocacy, Sessions

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